Fire Safety Training Course - PKG Training
This 1 Day Fire Safety Training Course is designed for employees who want to develop their basic fire safety awareness in order to assist their employer by undertaking more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk (e.g. as fire wardens/marshals/stewards etc.)
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Fire Safety Training – 1 day
You will, no doubt, be well aware of the potentially devastating effects of fires in the workplace in terms of lives lost, injuries, damage to property and the environment, and to business continuity. You may also be aware that it is believed that most fires are preventable. The importance of fire safety in the workplace is underpinned by health and safety legislation that places a duty on employers to establish policies and procedures and ensure their employees receive appropriate training.
This Fire Safety Training Course is designed for employees who want to develop their basic fire safety awareness in order to assist their employer by undertaking more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk (e.g. as fire wardens/marshals/stewards etc.) Successful candidates will be awarded a national level 2 qualification (Level 5 in Scotland).
Course Duration
This is a 6-hour classroom based course and no previous experience is necessary.